First you need to deploy the ressouce archive that contains the swift connector
asadmin deploy --host <hostname> --port <portNumber> -u admin --passwordfile=asadmin_password.txt --target=domain --name swiftmq_rar swiftmq.rar
Replace the <hostname> and <portNumber> with respectiveley the host name and port number where is located the DAS that manages the cluster.
Register after the connector in the DAS
asadmin create-resource-adapter-config --host <hostname> --port <portNumber> -u admin --passwordfile=asadmin_password.txt --property AllowOnePhase=false:IntraVM=false:DebugMode=false:ProviderURL="smqp\://<SWIFT_HOST>\:4001/timeout\=10000\;reconnect\=true\;retrydelay\=5000\;maxretries\=120" swiftmq_rar
The connector is registered under the name swiftmq_rar. You can see it through the admin console under the item "Applications/Connector modules".
Replace <SWIFT_HOST> with the name of the host where is located the broker
Now it's time to register the connection pool and connection factory which connects to the broker
asadmin create-connector-connection-pool --host <hostname> --port <portNumber> -u admin --passwordfile=asadmin_password.txt --steadypoolsize 20 --maxpoolsize 100 --poolresize 2 --maxwait 60000 --raname swiftmq_rar --transactionsup
port XATransaction --connectiondefinition javax.jms.ConnectionFactory --property ConnectionFactoryName=ConnectionFactory swiftmq-shared-connection-pool
the connection pool is named swiftmq-shared-connection-pool.
asadmin create-connector-resource --host <hostname> --port <portNumber> -u admin --passwordfile=asadmin_password.txt --target=domain --poolname swiftmq-shared-connection-pool jms/ConnectionFactory
The jms/ConnectionFactory is linked with the swiftmq-shared-connection-pool;
Registering of a queue
Now we can register a queue. For the example, i will register the queue Notify on the router router1 on swift.
asadmin create-admin-object --host <hostname> --port <portNumber> -u admin --passwordfile=asadmin_password.txt --target=domain --restype javax.jms.Queue --raname swiftmq_rar --property QueueName=Notify@router1 jms/Notify
The password file must contains the admin pasword and some time the master passord